
Monday, 18 August 2014

St Mary's North Sydney Day 1 by Elissa, Rachael, Josie and Robyn

We were warmly welcomed to the school this morning by the Principal Bev Coffey and by the students at the school assembly and Book Week parade.  Bev shared with us the history and the changing mission, vision and pedagogical practice which began in 2010 to move the school towards being a place for 21st Century Learners. The staff began by investigating the how, when, why and where best learning occurs in collaboration with parents, students and the wider community.  

The current school focus is based on Jay McTighe's Understanding By Design, which incorporates backward mapping to open up the curriculum and allow students to work at their own level and access personalised learning.

We are looking forward to tomorrow, when we will observe how Literacy and Numeracy blocks work in different cohorts!


  1. Hello Sydney-ites!
    Hope you are keeping warm. I'm interested in where teachers start with their backwards design - big ideas, outcomes or? Also would love to hear how the school uses the parent body to collaborate. Enjoy.

  2. Hello North Sydney Bears (sorry if you are not a NRL follower!). Sounds like you are learning a lot through your experience. I am very interested in finding out more about working backwards and how this works with personalised learning, especially in the area of Numeracy. Do they have any plans specific to the Australian Curriculum Mathematics yet? I an looking forward to hearing more of your experience
